Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Most Delicious Oatmeal You Will Ever Taste

How to Make Oatmeal with Egg Whites

Not everyone likes oatmeal. In fact, oatmeal seems to be the type of food that people either love or hate. I personally love oatmeal. Not only is oatmeal delicious, but the nutritional value oatmeal contains should far surpass any ill feeling towards the gooey breakfast dish. Oatmeal is a super grain that contains fiber, protein, and antioxidants, which help protect against heart disease, lower cholesterol, and enhance immune response. As long as you don’t add too much sugar to it (which I usually do), it is a very alkalizing food.

I know the cliché, “if foods are good for you, they always taste bad,” but I truly believe that the people who hate oatmeal have just never had it prepared correctly. Most of the time, if you order oatmeal from a restaurant, they prepare it with water (and too much at that), which makes it taste like a flavorless tacky mess. But it doesn’t have to be like that! If you make it with milk and throw in an egg white at the end, it comes out so creamy and delicious it almost tastes like grits. Trust me. You’ll be in oatmeal heaven and begin to wonder why you ever hated it in the first place.  


  • 1 cup of Milk (use soymilk or almond milk for a healthier option)
  • 1 cup of Oatmeal (quick oats taste best)
  • Maple Syrup
  • 1-6 TBS of brown sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • Apples (or any other fruit)

  • Spoon
  • Whisk


Step 1: Get a small pot out and place on the stove.

Step 2: Place the milk in the pot.

Step 3: Turn the stove on to high heat and wait until the milk boils gently.

Step 4: Lower the heat to just above a simmer and place the oatmeal in the pot.

Step 5: Add a squeeze or two of syrup and 1-6 TBS of brown sugar (depending on your sweet tooth).

Step 6: Stir until everything is well mixed.

Step 7: Let the oatmeal simmer until most of the milk is absorbed, stirring occasionally.

Step 8: Move the pot to a burner that is not on and let the oatmeal cool down for a minute.

Step 9: Add the egg yolk and briskly stir with a whisk.

Step 10: Put the pot back on the hot burner and continue to stir for about 30 seconds.

Step 11: Add in whatever fresh fruit you like!

Once you’re done, place the oatmeal in a bowl and enjoy the creamy texture of this deliciously healthful food! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to Make Bacon, Egg, and Cheese
Jersey Style

Being from New Jersey, I like to pride my state on having some of the best breakfast sandwiches around. From porkroll to fat bagels being staple breakfast items, it’s easy to find deliciously unhealthy morning sandwiches in almost any town. However, if you’re not from New Jersey, don’t fret! I can show you how to make these amazing sandwiches, specifically the classic bacon, egg, and cheese. All you need is a kitchen, a few simple ingredients, and a hungry belly that’s ready for bacon!
(How could you not be ready for bacon?)


1 package of bacon (any brand)  
2 eggs
1 slice of cheese 
2 slices of bread
1 tablespoon butter 
salt (to taste) 
pepper (to taste)

Cooking the Bacon

Before anything, I would suggest you cook the bacon. I find that the key to perfectly crisp bacon is to flip the slices more often than not. Although it takes more time and attention, the bacon always turns out better when you flip it more. Here are
my simple steps to cooking deliciously crisp bacon:

1. Get a large pan and place on the stove.
2. Turn the heat up to medium high.
3. Once the pan is hot, place as many slices of bacon into the pan as possible.
4. Let the bacon cook for about a minute, then flip.
5. Continue to repeat the process, flipping often, until desired crispness.

Eggs and Toast

Once the bacon is done, it’s time for the eggs and toast. This part can be slightly tricky because you need to get the timing right. An important rule to follow is the toast should be coming out of the toaster right before you’re done cooking your eggs.

1. Get out all of your ingredients so that they’re easily on hand.
2. Place an egg pan on the stove and put the heat up to medium high.
3. Take a moment to place two slices of bread into the toaster and set the toaster to desired setting for light or dark toast.
4. Go back to the egg pan and place the tablespoon of butter in the pan. Spread the butter around the pan so it has a light coating. All the butter does not need to be melted before you start cooking your eggs so don’t worry if it’s not.
5. Carefully crack open both eggs into the pan. 
6. Now, this part may seem weird to some, but take a non-cracked area of the
eggshell and gently push down onto the egg yolks. Do it hard enough so that the yolk breaks slightly into the white of itself, but not into the pan.

Note: I choose to do this so that my eggs are not runny once I put them into my sandwich. I also choose to cook my eggs just over easy so that they’re still moist on the inside, but not dripping everywhere making a mess. However, you can choose to cook them however you like, since some people do enjoy the drippings from eggs over easy. It really just depends on your egg style preference.

7. Once the yolks are pressed down, add some salt and pepper to season.
8. Let the eggs cook for 45 seconds to a minute and then flip.
9. Let them cook for about 20 to 30 seconds. 
10. Place one egg on top of the other. 
11. Lower heat and place your cheese on top of the

Important tip: Try to take your eggs off the stove as soon as possible to avoid them from over cooking. Although you may be tempted to let your cheese melt thoroughly, I suggest you put the sandwich together as soon as possible since the cheese will melt once you do.

Construct Your Sandwich!

1. Grab your finished toast slices from the toaster. 
2. Place them side by side on a plate. 
3. Once the cheese is melted enough to your liking (see important tip above), use
your spatula to place the egg and cheese tower on top of a slice of toast. 
4. Place as many bacon slices as you want on top of the cheese. 
5. Place the last slice of toast on top to finish your sandwich.

Finally, admire your hard work and enjoy the best breakfast sandwich ever invented!